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During a recent trip to visit friends in south Texas, we went to a Mexican restaurant for tamales. On the way out I noticed some small (children size) chairs on the wall with plants on them.  While taking a long hard look I decided I could make those.

Delias Tamales - wall of inspirationRetirement has been and continues to be fun but I was looking for a hobby. I decided to make wood working part of my life. Having never done this before I solicited help and advice from a friend with wood working knowledge. The primary teacher of course has been making lots of mistakes that I have been able to correct; some people call it cover up. I think it is called “learning by doing”.

GREEN-WOOD came from VERDE meaning green and WOOD, which is of course, the main ingredient I am using to build the variety of “Decorative and Functional” furniture you can now see as part of this site. We have been showing at flea markets and art festivals recently but right now it is just a hobby that people have shown an interest in purchasing.

The pictures have been posted for those that cannot or do not get a chance to see them live.

If you are interested in more details or want to hear more let me know at: GREENWOOD@theverdes.net I will do my best to satisfy your interest.